
4.4 ( 5954 ratings )
Производительность Образование
Разработчик PrismApps
2.99 USD

Say hello to the BEST scientific calculator on the market!

*Stunningly beautiful* easy-to-use calculator that compliments your iDevice!

POWERFUL engine and sophistication for a low price! Produced with the TI-89 calculator in mind.

Constantly being updated to give you the experience of an advanced mathematical calculator. Please use the update form within app to submit suggestions!

GRAPHING IS IN DEVELOPMENT. Please be patient so that we can develop the best graphing experience for your phone/tablet!

CalcMate™ is capable of executing mathematical expressions of any length, limited only by your devices memory.



* Advanced engine that executes complex mathematical expressions quickly *and* with more precision than most calculators.

* Directional arrows (up/down/left/right) allow you to scroll through the math expression or recent history, quickly.

* 6 beautiful themes included to match your style!

* Tape Reel allows to view your recent work quickly at the press of a button.

* Supports 30+ math functions (with more being actively added):
-Logarithmic: log10, log2
-Trigonometric/inverses: sin, cos, tan, cot, sec, csc, asin, acos, asec, acsc, atan, acot
-Hyperbolic/inverses: sinh, cosh, tanh, coth, sech, csch, asinh, acosh, asech, acsch, atanh, acoth

* Supports e, π, √, %, and exponents.

* Radians/Degrees support for trig functions.

* Scientific Notation (great for Chemistry and Physics!)

* y = f(x) math table. Input an expression with the x variable and calculate hundreds of expressions at once!

* All math expressions and solutions are saved into history for convenient look up and reuse.

* EASY copy-and-paste techniques for previously done math work.

* Feedback Center allows you to submit suggestions and bugs quickly and straight to the source!

* Landscape mode for more view.